Learning through Play

Quality care and academic excellence

Our philosophy


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Front View
View from intersection
Parking lot
Outdoor Classroom
Clubhouse Main
Clubhouse Construction
Gross Motor Playroom
Toddler Twos Room
Preschool A
Preschool B

Toddler Twos


The twos classroom is the first step to pre-school and as such it is a very important room both socially and academically. They will learn the social aspects of being part of a classroom and the etiquette and rules that are expected in that environment. They will learn to use the bathroom and practice good hygiene throughout the day. They will be introduced to colors, numbers, letters, shapes, discovery science, and language arts. They grow tremendously as they learn through their play with songs, imaginary play, and art work. The teachers in this room are masterful at what they do. Their curriculum requires three strong teachers to work with a team approach to instruction. The group is often divided into three groups for small group instruction.

Threes and Pre-K3


These exciting classrooms are an adventure for our youngest pre-schoolers. These rooms have both full time and part times care options. The children are divided between two classrooms; one is for younger threes and the other is for older threes. The rooms are divided into centers that include: computers, blocks, dramatic play, puzzles, art, reading, writing, science, and math. It is brightly decorated with primary colors and fun furniture. In the threes classrooms, children are ready to begin mastering concepts such as beginning writing, coloring with control, phonics, basic geometry, math concepts, and physical education. They learn through their calendar, songs, poetry, Spanish time, play, experiments, arts, and teacher interactions. The teachers in these classrooms team teach with open-ended activities that allow children to express themselves creatively as they develop important social character skills. We also have an option for a PreK3 class that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Feel free to call for more details.



This class is for children who turn four by September 1st of the current school year. They will move up to Kindergarten the following August. The dynamic teachers in these rooms enrich the pre-kinder program by providing lessons in science discovery and library time in addition to their regular academic curriculum. Playtime offers two options for its VPK program. There are two full time classes that meet each day Monday through Friday during the hours of 6am-6pm. There is also an option for a free part time class that meets just Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The VPK classrooms are located in the upstairs portion of our building that was added to the property in 2008. These classrooms are beautiful, creative, and full of energy every day. These busy rooms are divided into centers similar to the Pre-K3 class experience, but with many new items for children to explore and manipulate. Every room has computers with internet access and educational software. Each also has a comfy reading area, a listening center, and a well-equipped art center. The VPK curriculum is from the Frog Street professional preschool series. We are very proud of how high our students' average test scores are as they enter Kindergarten; but we are even more proud of the maturity and social skills we see develop in these children.

After School Care (Summer Camp)


Playtime Learning Academy provides transportation to and from four area schools: Citrus Park Elementary, Essrig Elementary, Northwest Elementary, and Claywell Elementary. We open at 6:00am. We also pick children up at the end of the school day and provide full day care on vacation days. The school age children have an entire clubhouse at Playtime full of fun activity options. They can choose from: reading, games, technology, art, music, drama, science, and more. Our teachers are available to assist with homework too. We provide a snack for them and lots of opportunities to burn off that excess energy on our large playground. Hockey and kickball are among their favorite activities along with climbing and pretend play. We close at 6:00pm. On vacation days we usually plan field trips to keep the kids busy and doing something fun. In the summer we also have excursions, craft classes, water play, and picnics to keep the children learning and having fun. The teachers in this room are always full of new ideas for fun-filled days.



Playtime Learning Academy has four beautiful, outdoor play areas. There is a large, shaded playground with commercial quality play equipment. There is a playcourt where children can ride tricycles or play basketball. And there are two outdoor classroom spaces where teachers can extend the learning from classroom outdoors. At Playtime Learning Academy, we understand the importance of gross motor, physical play and even provide an indoor play room for rainy days. The staff are well-trained and ratios are low to provide safe, fun outdoor learning experiences at least twice each day for all children.